Non EU funding

-> Gateway to research funding programmes around the world: The ACCESS4EU database provides information about worldwide funding possibilities open to European researchers in non-EU countries.  
The continuously updated database can be found here.

Non EU funding 2012

[08.2.12, EMBO] Call for EMBO Long-Term Fellowships
The Long-Term Fellowships provide funding for postdoctoral research visits for up to two year to laboratories throughout Europe and the world.
Deadlines are twice a year: 15.2.2012 and 15.08.2012

[20.01.12, BMBF] Förderung europäischer Forschungsprojekte im Bereich neuordegenerativer Erkrankungen (ERA-NET NEURON): Neue Methoden und Forschungsansätzen zum besseren Verständnis von Hirnerkrankungen.
Deadline: 09.03.2012
Information (German only)

[06.12.10, EMBO] Call for EMBO Long-Term Fellowships
The Long-Term Fellowships provide funding for postdoctoral research visits for up to two year to laboratories throughout Europe and the world.
Deadline: 15.08.2011

[20.05.11, BMBF] Förderinitiative Deutschland - Japan Zusammenarbeit in Computational Neuroscience
Support for transnational research projects in Computational Neuroscience, funded jointly by German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), German Research Foundation (DFG) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Deadline: 08.08.2011
Information (German only)   
[02.05.11, BMBF] Förderung europäischer Forschungsprojekte im Bereich neuordegenerativer Erkrankungen: Optimierung von Biomarkern und Harmonisierung ihrer Verwendung zwischen klinischen Zentren. 
Deadline: 05.09.2011
Information (German only)
[20.04.11, DFG] Ausschreibung "Erkenntnistransfer"
Förderung von Transferprojekten in Richtung Anwendung für Ergebnisse aus DFG-geförderten Projekten aller Disziplinen.
Deadline: 05.09.2011
Information (German only) 
[06.06.11, HFSP] Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships
HFSP Long-Term Fellowships (LTF) offer funding for applicants with a PhD in a biological discipline for a research project in a different field of the life sciences. Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships (CDF) are open to applicants with a PhD from outside the life sciences who want to make the change in research direction towards a biological discipline.
Deadline for registration: 25.08.2011
Deadline for submission: 08.09.2011
General Information
Guidelines for 2012
[24.05.11, BMBF] Förderung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben aus dem Bereich der eHumanities.
Deadline: 30.09.2011
Information (German only) 
[26.05.11, BMBF] Förderinitiative Deutschland - USA Zusammenarbeit in Computational Neuroscience
Support for interdisciplinary transnational research projects in Computational Neuroscience for collaborations between German and US researchers.
Deadline: 02.11.2011
Information (German only) 

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