Compendium of major funding programmes
'Young' researchers will find below a list of available funding opportunities. It is organised so as to address four career stages: 1. PhD, 2. Early Post-Doc, 3. Experienced 'young' Post-Doc, and 4. All Post-Doc career stages.
Beginners are advised to read the Young Scientists' Introduction section and have a look into the relevant presentation slides of the Info sessions that the EU Regional office is periodically holding in Tübingen and Freiburg i.Br. (only available for participants)
1. PhD phase
- Boehringer-Ingelheim-Fund (only biomedical research)
- DAAD 1-Year-Outgoing Research Grant for Doctoral Candidates
- DAAD Incoming Research Grant for Doctoral Candidates
- Google European Doctoral Fellowship Programme (computer science)
- DFG Graduate Schools (for coordinators and scientists)
- Helmholtz Graduate and Research Schools
- Leibniz Graduate Schools
- Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN, for coordinators)
EURAXESS - Search for hosting offers (ITN and other Marie Curie Actions, for scientists) - International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS)
2. Early Post-Doc (0 - 2 or 3 years)
- AvH Feodor Lynen Outgoing Fellowship
- AvH Incoming Research Fellowship
- AvH Sofia Kovalevskaja Award (currently suspended)
- DAAD 6-month-Outgoing Post-Doc Fellowship
- DAAD Research Grants and Incoming Fellowships for young Post-Docs
- DFG Temporary Position
- DFG Walter-Benjamin Programme
- EMBO short term Fellowship
- EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship
- HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Life Sciences Research Foundation Outgoing Fellowship (USA only)
- Life Sciences Research Foundation Incoming Fellowship (U.S. citizens only)
- VW "Freigeist" Fellowship (terminated in 2021)
3. Experienced 'young' Post-Doc (ca. 3 - 9+ years)
- AvH Feodor Lynen Outgoing Fellowship (currently suspended)
- AvH Incoming Research Fellowship for experienced Researchers
- AvH Sofia Kovalevskaja Award
- Branco-Weiss Fellowship
- DFG Temporary Position
- DFG Emmy Noether Programme
- DFG Heisenberg Programme
- DFG Reinhart Koselleck Grant
- EMBO short term Fellowship
- EMBO Young Investigator Programme (YIP)
- ERC Starting Grant (StG)
- ERC Consolidator Grant (CoG)
- Fraunhofer Attract
- Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups
- Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship (W3 Programme for female scientists)
- HFSP Research Grants - Early Career
- Leibniz Junior Research Groups
- Life Sciences Research Foundation Outgoing Fellowship (USA only)
- Life Sciences Research Foundation Incoming Fellowship (U.S. citizens only)
- Max Planck Lise Meitner Excellence Program (LME)
- Max Planck Research Groups
- VW Lichtenberg Endowed Professorships (expired)
4. All Post-Doc career stages
- Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
- EURAXESS - Search for hosting offers (for scientists, all career stages)
- "HubPage" with tips for the Marie Curie Fellowships (outdated)
- DAAD Research visits of experienced scientists