Career Integration Grants

Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (CIG) are suited for experienced researchers from any country who consider getting a stable postition at a European research institution. They replace the European and International Reintegration Grants (ERG and IRG) starting from 2011.  Calls are published annually in autumn and have two cut-off dates per year (usually in March and September).
The Career Integration Grants consist of a fixed amount contribution of 25,000 Euros p.a. and researcher. This can be used to pay research costs related to the project of the CIG grantee (including the grantee's salary) for a period of 2 to 4 years. The application has to be done in conjunction with the return host institution which must be located in an EU Member State or Associated Country. CIG applicants cannot have worked in the country of the host organisation for more than twelve months over the last three years, and they must not have previously benefitted from a  Reintegration or Career Integration Grant.
Another possibility for the reintegration of researchers can be found within IIF and IOF:
These two programmes provide for an integrated return phase at a research institution in Europe (IOF) or in the grantee's country of origin (IIF).
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